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  • 资源类别:论文
  • 资源分类:机械机电
  • 适用专业:机械设计制造及自动化
  • 适用年级:大学
  • 上传用户:xuehai
  • 文件格式:word+autocad+ppt
  • 文件大小:1.52MB
  • 上传时间:2014-6-23 0:15:17
  • 下载次数:0
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全


摘 要,
关键词:铰链,工艺路线,加工仿真, MasterCAM应用

Also known as hinge hinge is used to connect two solid, and allow rotation between a mechanical device to do. Hinge components may be movable, or by folding the material. The most common is hinged doors and windows installed. General hinge Category: divided into categories according to the material, stainless steel hinges and iron hinges; divided by the base type, detachable and fixed two; by the type of arm is divided into the body, two slide-and cassette.
This article from a hinge (B) of the simulation process and physical aspects of the design specification, describes the design and manufacture of the hinge of the whole process. In process planning, through the scientific process of theory and practice combine to determine the manufacture of the blank form, choose the base surface, developed a process route; determine the machining allowance, process size and blank size; identified and the basic cutting Working hours. Details of the product during the processing of program development and physical simulation.
Process design based on existing conditions, use a conventional machining method in conjunction with the establishment of modern CNC machining, but according to its own characteristics and structure of part performance requirements, some of the processing line in accordance with conventional processing, better Ensure product quality and technical performance requirements, but also reflect the product's processing characteristics. In the physical design of the simulation, using the current most economical and effective all-round PC-class CAD / CAM software Mastercam software.
KEY WORDS: hinge, process route, allowance, machining simulation,Master CAM

目 录
摘 要 I
第一章 概 述 1
1.1铰链的作用与分类 1
1.2目前铰链市场的概括及分析 2
1.3机械加工工艺 2
第二章 铰链(B型)的工艺分析 3
2.1零件材料的选择 4
2.2铰链的主要表面分析及加工方法 4
2.3刀具的选择 6
第三章 铰链(B型)工艺规程设计 8
3.1机床的选择 8
3.2定位基准的选择 8
3.3加工路线的原则 9
3.4制订铰链(B型)工艺路线 10
第四章 铰链(B型)实体加工仿真 23
4.1 Mastercam软件加工仿真的特点 23
4.2 生成零件的刀具路径 23
4.3 确定走刀顺序及走刀路线 24
4.4 铰链(B型)实体加工仿真 24
第五章 全文总结 31
参考文献 32
致 谢 33
毕业设计小结 34
附录 35

  • 毕业设计-铰链主体(B型)加工工艺编制及实体加工仿真
    • 周瑞毕业设计资料
      • Microsoft Powerpoint演示文稿周瑞PPT.ppt  [582.00KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档周瑞外文文献.doc  [136.55KB]
      • Microsoft Word文档周瑞毕业设计论文.doc  [1003.76KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件铰链主体(B型)工艺卡片.dwg  [397.77KB]
      • AutoCAD工程图纸文件铰链主体(B型)零件图.dwg  [135.57KB]
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