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  • 资源分类:计算机
  • 适用专业:计算机技术
  • 适用年级:研究生
  • 上传用户:yilu2011
  • 文件格式:nh
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  • 上传时间:2014-2-7 1:17:48
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安全检测:瑞星:安全 诺顿:安全 卡巴:安全

【摘要】 本文介绍了应用于铁路行车安全监测系统的专用装备在安装、维护、修理时应用的便携式配套仪器——铁路车辆信号模拟发生器的研制。重点讨论了对列车轴距、轴位、速度信号的模拟方法和实现原理。文章通过介绍仪器的设计思路和各单元硬件电路的设计过程与工作原理,重点介绍了单片机,液晶显示器,CPLD芯片,DC—DC变换器,GSM通信模块,短距离无线通信电路等主要关键器件在电路中的应用方法与经验。说明了单片机软件、CPLD编程、GSM编程和单片机无线通信模块软件设计过程。还介绍了针对仪器小型化所做的工作,及解决研制过程中遇到的问题的方法,并给出了样机的实验结果。随着铁路跨跃式发展进程,应用数字化技术、计算机技术、现代通信技术等先进技术,将为经济的发展带来巨大的社会与经济效益,也带来了更广泛的应用领域。
【Abstract】 This text introduced to apply to go the appropriation material of the car safety monitor system in the railroad at gearing, support, fix apply then the hold type kit instrument-railroad vehicle signal to imitate occurrence machine to develop. The point discuss that be apart from to the railroad train stalk, the emulation method of the stalk, the speed signal and carry out principle. The article passes the design way of thinking of the introduction instrument and the design process and the work principle of each unit hardware electric circuit, the point discussed a single slice machine, liquid crystal display, the CPLD chip, the DC-DC transformation machine, the GSM correspondence mold piece, the short distance wireless correspondence the electric circuit wait a main key spare part in the applied method in the electric circuit and experience. Explained a single slice machine software, the CPLD plait distance, GSM plait the distance and single slice machine wireless correspondence the mold piece software design process. Introduce to aim at instrument small scaled the method of[with] problem turned the work do, and resolved to grind and done not meet in the process, and give the experiment result of the kind machine. Because the railroad across the jump type development progress, the application numeral turns advanced techniques, such as technique, calculator technique and the modern correspondence technique...etc., will bring a huge social and economic performance for the development of the economy, also bringing more extensive applied realm.
【关键词】 便携式仪器; 铁路安全监测; 单片机; GSM技术; 远程监控; 短距离无线通信;
【Key words】 portable instrument safety inspect on railway; GSM technology; long distance inspect and control; the short distance wireless correspond;
  • 硕士论文-便携式铁路车辆信号模拟发生器
    • nh便携式铁路车辆信号模拟发生器.nh  [7.58MB]
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